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Simflofy's Global Properties

Simflofy's Global Properties file can be used to configure specific parts of your Simflofy environment to tailor it to your exact specification needs.

Initial Run Properties

simflofy.initialize.mongoWill generate the collections required for Simflofy and create indexes for fast searches. Set this to false after your initial run, as it will cause long startup times for more heavily used systems.
simflofy.initialize.bootstrapWill load some default configurations into the database. Set to false after the first run.
simflofy.initialize.updateMostly needed for a 2.X to 3.X upgrade. Will run patches which remove deprecated connectors, add the new ones, transform out of date configurations to be used for 3.X. Set to false after the first run.
simflofy.initialize.runallpatchesIf this and simflofy.initialize.update is set to true, all patches will be run, regardless of whether they have been previously run.
simflofy.initialize.demoviewWill use widget instances from the bootstrap to generate a sample Content View with some pre-loaded content. All of the connectors generated by this option are overwritten on startup,so they are not appropriate for reuse.
simflofy.encrypt.db.passwordsIf true , mongo.db.password will be encrypted on startup.

General Configuration

simflofy.multi.tenantSet to true to put Simflofy Admin in multi-tenant mode. This will allow the creation of new tenants (orgs) and also the creation of users for the orgs. name of the global organization. Still needed for single tenant mode. name of the global organizations database in MongoDB.
simflofy.aes256.encryptionIf true , passwords will be encrypted using AES256 when stored in the database.
simflofy.tsearch.locationThe full URL of a TSearch instance associated with Simflofy Admin. This will be used to provide "Go To" links for Content Views
simflofy.max.upload.sizeThe maximum upload size, in bytes, that Content Services will accept. This does not bypass any API restrictions for connectors.
simflofy.context.pathsed in email notifications to link back to your instance. Takes the format http://myhost:8080/simflofy-admin auditing using the CSV option for job auditing, this will be location where the file is stored. If left empty, tomcat/temp will be used.
simflofy.threads.corePoolSizeInitial size of the pool of threads used to run Jobs. Limits the number of simultaneous jobs that run at once.
simflofy.threads.maxPoolSizeMax size of the thread pool used to run jobs.
simflofy.default.logoImage file placed in simflofy-admin/WEB-INF/classes/logo
simflofy.default.favicon.ico file placed in simflofy-admin/WEB-INF/classes/favicon

Email Server Configuration

email.activeSet to true to allow emails to be sent, false to turn off all emails.
email.smtp.portSMTP Port for sending email notifications.
email.smtp.hostSMTP Host for sending email notifications.
email.smtp.usernameUsername for SMTP authentication.
email.smtp.passwordPassword for SMTP authentication.
email.smtp.authtrue if needing to authenticate with SMTP.
email.smtp.starttls.enableSome SMTP servers need this to true.
email.bccComma delimited list of email addresses to copy emails to.
email.from.addressThe from address in the email notifications.

Distributed Mode

simflofy.server.modeSINGLETON or DISTRIBUTED. Singleton means that jobs are run by the same instance of Simflofy in which they were called. DISTRIBUTED means you have clustered instances of Simflofy, with one of them acting as the "Job Runner"
simflofy.server.job.runnerIn DISTRIBUTED mode, one or more nodes must be set to true or jobs will not run.

Job History Cleanup

simflofy.job.cleanup.intervalHow often Simflofy will check for jobs that require history cleanup. Format: [integer][time unit],so 1d is 1 Day. Also supports M(Month), and w(Week).
simflofy.job.cleanup.timeThe hour the history cleanup check will be performed. 0 is midnight, 23 is 11PM

Event Processing

simflofy.event.queueAll Content Service events will be added to a queue for processing. These events trigger event jobs.
simflofy.server.event.rule.processorWhen events are queued they need to be processed (matched) to any Event Configurations. You must have at least one event rule processor if you queue events
simflofy.event.queue.retainHow many days to retain unprocessed events in the queue.

Internal Auditing

simflofy.internal.audit.audittrue or false. Whether internal audit data will be collected
simflofy.interlal.audit.alltrue or false. Whether all audit types should be collected
simflofy.interlal.audit.listA comma delimited list of internal audit types.


simflofy.discovery.collecttrue or false. Initialize the Discovery Data Collection service on startup
simflofy.discovery.reporttrue or false. Initialize the Discovery Report Generation service on startup
simflofy.discovery.job.checkHow often to check if a data collection jobs or report generation has completed. Format: [integer][time unit],so 20s is 20 seconds. Also supports m for Minutes.
simflofy.discovery.delayHow long to wait after startup to begin data collections or report generation. Format: [integer][time unit],so 20s is 20 seconds. Also supports m for Minutes.
simflofy.discovery.schedule.checkHow often Monitor threads will check for changes in schedule/report configurations. Format: [integer][time unit],so 5m is 5 minutes. Also supports m for Minutes.

Related Articles:

Simflofy Administration - Global Properties