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Installing Simflofy in Docker

The purpose of this document is to describe the installation and configuration requirements for a successful Simflofy installation in a Docker Container.

Software Requirements

Docker, Docker Tools

Ubuntu Linux image

Oracle JRE 11 or Temurin 11

Tomcat 9.x (download)

MongoDB 3.4.x or 4.x (download)

Installing MongoDB Server

  1. Install MongoDB 3.4 or 4.x+ using apt-get
  2. START mongodb
  3. Create the Simflofy database and user in MongoDB
  4. Open the MongoDB Shell
use simflofy;  
db.createUser({"user":"simflofy", "pwd":"PASSWORD", "roles":["readWrite",

Remember to set your password using your organization's password policy.

Installing Tomcat Server

  1. Install Tomcat 9by downloading the binary from (download)
  2. Unzip Tomcat 9binary into /opt/tomcat
  3. START tomcat (Default Port is 8080)


  1. SHUTDOWN Tomcat for the Simflofy installation


Installing Oracle Java 8

  1. Download Oracle Java 11+(download)
  2. Install Oracle Java 8 (download)
  3. Confirm Oracle Java is the default by running the following command:
user:/opt# java -version  
java version "1.8.0_144"
Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_144-b01)
Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.144-b01, mixed mode)

Installing Simflofy Admin Server

  1. Copy the Simflofy Admin war file or expanded zip to Tomcat Installation Directory > webapps directory
  2. Navigate to the file Tomcat > Webapps > Simflofy > Admin > WEB-INF > classes >
  3. Set the credentials for the user and the database connection details
  1. Start Tomcat
  2. Open Browser to http://(servername):(port)/simflofy-admin

*The default Simflofy Username/Password is admin/admin.

Remember to set your password using your organization's password policy.

Commit changes to Docker Image

  1. Open the Docker CLI from the Docker Tools UI
  2. Commit changes to the docker container using the following command

docker commit <image_name>

Congratulations, Simflofy has been successfully installed.

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