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Upgrading Simflofy

Follow the steps below to upgrade your Simflofy Environment to version 3.0


  1. Shut down the application server running Simflofy.

  2. Ensure that the application server has completely shutdown. This can be done by checking the task manager or using a command line tool.

  3. Stop the service that is running MongoDB.


  1. Back up your Mongo database. Be sure to store the back-up in safe location. MongoDB Core Backups

  2. Copy the modified configuration files .properties to safe location. This config is found in your war at WEB-INF/classes/

  3. Copy the exploded war files to safe location (for rollback as needed).

  4. Use the Admin Tools to export a copy of your simflofy configuration.

Clean Up

  1. Remove the current version of war files from your Application Server.

  2. Clear out the Application server cache and temp directories. (ie <tomcat home>/temp <tomcat home>/work)

  3. Back up or remove the old log files.


  1. Unpack the new war files to the application server webapps directory.

  2. Update the configuration files as needed database/hosts/ports.

  3. Set the following properties (3.0 +)

    #initialize mongo indexes and connector. Also loads default admin user
#Import simflofy_bootstrap.json into the database
# Dynamically loads new stuff, like Repo and Output connectors and update 2.X database items to their 3.X versions.
#Requires update be set to true. Run all patches.


  1. Start the application server.

  2. Watch your logging for errors and or issues while the patches run.

  3. Validate that the connectors and jobs have been upgraded properly.

  4. Reset the initialization configuration.

    #initialize mongo indexes and connector. Also loads default admin user
#Import simflofy_bootstrap.json into the database
# Dynamically loads new stuff, like Repo and Output connectors and update 2.X database items to their 3.X versions.
#Requires update be set to true. Run all patches.