User Roles
Roles: Simflofy Admin
- TSearch Only: This user does not have access to the Simflofy Admin UI, and can only log in to TSearch
- Monitor: Can monitor the execution of jobs, run reports, view job details. This is a READ ONLY user.
- Executor: Can execute jobs, run reports, view job details
- Manager: Can create, run, and update jobs and reports for the given Tenant.
- Org Admin: Can create, update, execute and delete jobs, users and reports for a given Tenant.
- Simflofy Admin: This user is the Simflofy Root user, with all capabilities on the system, for all tenants.
Roles: TSearch
- TSearch User: Can log in to TSearch but cannot edit or delete views or alter configuration
- TSearch Admin: Full access to basic federation features except Records Management features, which have separate roles
Roles: Records Management (Requires License with RM Module)
- RM User - Cannot execute disposition steps. Can add retention schedules and holds to content, as well export auditing and reports.
- RM Officer - All privileges of the RM User, but can execute the Cut-Off and Transfer steps. Cannot remove RM content in any way
- RM Manager - Full Access to all RM Actions.
Document Security
Role: Security Officer - Only assignable by a Simflofy Admin. Allows full access to RM Security Marks and bypasses all document security checks. Assign with caution.