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Record Creation Post Processor

This post processor can only be used with the following Integration Connections:

  • ElasticSearch Connector
  • Mongo and Mongo/GridFS Connector
  • Solr Connector

The fields determining whether document will become a record and what schedule to apply to it will need to be set by a different task or mappings.

Here is some very basic javascript that can be used with the Javascript Executor Task as an example:

var len = rd.getDocumentLength();
var sched = 'default';
if(len < 30){
sched = 'Event Transfer';
}else if(len >=30 && len <= 50){
sched = 'No Steps';
}else if (len > 50 && len < 70){
sched = 'Quick Destroy';
}else if(len >= 70){
sched = 'Transfer Only';
Create Record Post Processor Task