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JDBC Integration - Migrate and Federate

Java Database Connectivity is an application programming interface for the programming language Java, which defines how a client may access a database. It is a Java-based data access technology used for Java database connectivity. It is part of the Java Standard Edition platform, from Oracle Corporation.
Java Tutorial: JDBC Basics

Click the following link to see an example of this set up process using JDBC as the repository connector and BFS as the Output connector. JDBC to BFS Oracle Integration

Authentication Connection

This connector works for any Database that accepts JDBC connections. It requires knowledge of which JDBC Driver you will be using, as well as the specific connection parameters to your JDBC Instance. These can vary greatly by system. Click here for more information on setting up an Authentication Connection.

JDBC Authentication Connection Configuration

  • Name: Unique name for this auth connector.
  • Username: The Username of the user to authenticate with to the JDBC DB Instance.
  • Password: The password associated with the above username.
  • JDBC URL: The Full JDBC URL to connect to. Required.
  • JDBC Driver: The JDBC Driver to use, based on the DB you are connecting to.
    • Use the table below to find and retrieve the jar file for your database, and place it in the tomcat/lib folder

JDBC is a widely used protocol, and has not been tested with every system on this list.

DBMSDriver classLibrary name
postgresql-42.2.8.jar (exact name depends on the driver version)
Firebird SQLorg.firebirdsql.jdbc.FBDriver
H2 Database Engineorg.h2.Driver
Apache Derbyorg.apache.derby.jdbc.EmbeddedDriver
IBM DB2 for
SQL Server (Microsoft driver)
mssql-jdbc-6.2.2.jre8.jar (exact name depends on the driver version)
mariadb-java-client-1.3.6.jar (exact name depends on the driver version)
mysql-connector-java-5.1.36-bin.jar (exact name depends on the driver version)

Discovery Connector

JDBC Discovery Connector Configurations

  • Name: A name for the Discovery Connection to identify it in the UI.
  • Authentication Connection: JDBC Authentication Connector
  • Ignore Types: Comma delimited list of types to ignore. Note that you can have regex as well. So to ignore all types with "workflow" in the name, you would enter(.)workflow(.) into the ignore types textbox.
  • Table Types: Types of tables delimited by comma to retrieve. Normal values are TABLE,VIEW,SYSTEM TABLE,GLOBAL TEMPORARY,LOCAL TEMPORARY,ALIAS,SYNONYM. The default value and the one used mostly is TABLE
  • Driver: JDBC Driver class (
  • Catalog: Enter text to narrow results or leave blank to not use Catalog in Discovery.
  • Schema Pattern: Must match the schema name as it is stored in the database. Enter a single space to discover those without a schema. Leave blank if you do not want to use the schema name to narrow the search.
  • Table Name Pattern: Enter % to search for all tables or enter text to match against.

JDBC Integration Connection

Your JDBC Integration connection allows Simflofy to input and output data to and from your JDBC repository.

The Output Connection will push records, metadata, and permissions into the target repository. They also handle deleting content in sync mode.These connectors output files, folders, metadata, versions and renditions to the output system associated with this connector. Every Output Connector can define custom fields that it needs to be able to connect and write to the repository. These fields are defined during the development of the individual connectors.

The Repository Connector allows organizations to read from Repositories using a Java Database Connectivity (JDBC) technology. This means that using Simflofy and your JDBC Driver of choice, you can connect to many repositories to retrieve data and content.

Click here for more information on setting up an integration connection.

JDBC Integration Connection Configuration

  • Connection Name: This is a unique name given to the connector instance upon creation.
  • Description: A description of the connector to help identify it.
  • Authentication Connection: Your JDBC Auth connection

JDBC Job Configuration

The JDBC Connector uses different processors which process results in different ways. Some fields will only function with certain processors.

  • SQL Query: The SQL Query to run.
  • Failed ID: Only works for the Failed ID JDBC Processor (See below)
  • ID Field: The field to use as the source repository id
  • Fetch Size: Refers to how many rows to fetch from the datasource at one time. Default is 10.
  • Input Directory: This is for processors where metadata is in the database but the binary content files are on the filesystem. This would be the root directory of the files. You can leave blank if not needed.
  • Output Directory: Some processors needs a place to safely store files while doing conversions and processing. This is such a place. You can leave blank if not needed.
  • Internal Queue Size: Records to queue before halting read from the datasource. Once records fall below the internal queue size, reading will resume.
  • Include Content: Check to include content or un-check to exclude content and only retrieve metadata.
  • Processor Class: The Processor Class is a registered Spring Bean and is used to process the ResultSet.

Currently, there are two processors included out of the box:

Default JDBC Processor

The default processor runs a query and will convert the table rows into processable documents. It does not use the start and end times configured in the Details tab. In order to filter on date fields, you will need your own WHERE clause.

Failed ID Processor

The Failed ID processor is used for running errors. It is run for each failed document ID and offers the following parameter to insert the id into your failed ids query.


So an example of a failed ID query would be


Content Service Connection

This section covers the JDBC specific configuration of the Content Service Connector. For a description of how to set up a content services connector generically see Content Service Connectors.

Configuration Fields

This section covers the JDBC specific configuration of the Content Service Connector.

  • JDBC Table Name: Database table name.
  • Schema: Database schema name.
  • Catalog: Database catalog name.
  • ID Field: The primary key column to use as the unique ID (expecting an auto generated (i.e. auto increment) field.
  • Name Property: The column to use as the "document name". This field should not be left blank.
  • Created Date Property: The column to use as the "document created date". This field should not be left blank.
  • Modified Date Property: he column to use as the "document modified date". This field should not be left blank.
  • Binary Property: The column to use as the file content. This field can be left blank.
  • Root Version Id Property: If the entities in the table track versions, this should provide the column that contains the root version id. This field can be left blank.
  • Is Latest Version Property: This field is only used if the Root Version Id Field is populated. This field can be left blank only if the Root Version Id Field is also blank. If the entities in the table track versions, this should provide the column that contains whether the version is the latest (as a boolean).
  • Major Version Label Property: This field is only used if the Root Version Id Field is populated. This field can be left blank. If the entities in the table track versions, this should provide the column that contains the major version portion of a version label.
  • Minor Version Label Property: This field is only used if the Root Version Id Field is populated. This field can be left blank. If the entities in the table track versions, this should provide the column that contains the major version portion of a version label.
  • Quote Identifier Property: If there are spaces in your table names, catalog names, schema names or column names, enter a quote identifier. For example, SQL Server and Oracle use a double quote ". MySQL uses a backtick `

Supported Method

  • Create File
  • Delete Object By Id
  • Get File Content
  • Get Object Properties
  • Update File
  • Update Properties

Advanced Topic: Connecting to a Microsoft Access Database

To use an Access database you'll need a JDBC Driver here

You will need to install the jars in the simflofy-admin web app. This post tells you the jars you will need:

Place them into simflofy-admin/WEB-INF/lib

After installing the jars you should be able to start simflofy and use the JDBC connector as per usual.

Example JDBC to BFS Oracle Integration

This process will walk you through setting up an integration from a JDBC Repository to a BFS Output system.

Steps Overview
  1. Create a JDBC Authentication Connection
  2. Create a JDBC Discovery Connection
  3. Create a JDBC Integration Connection
  4. Create a BFS Integration Connection
  5. Create a JDBC to BFS integration job
  6. Edit the BFS Tab
  7. Edit the JDBC Tab
  8. Run the Integration Job

1. Create a JDBC Auth Connector:

For Oracle there are a couple of things to note:

  • The username must be all caps
  • The SID/Schema must be all caps as well
  • The username can be different from the Schema name, but obviously needs permissions to that Schema.
  • Note the Driver class

2. Create a JDBC Discovery Connector:

Set the authentication connector to be the auth connector created above. For Oracle, the above will get all objects in your database.

Trouble Shooting:

Remove any ojdbc jar file from the Simflofy-admin/WEB-INF/lib directory and put in the ojdbc jar for your Oracle version. For Oracle 12c as an example that would be ojdbc8.jar.

The schema pattern should be set to the schema you want. Oracle seems to hang if you leave that field blank.

Table types can be a comma delimited list of the following:








3. Create an integration connector for JDBC:

4. Create an integration connector for BFS. NOTE: BFS does not have an authentication connector.

5. Create a job with the repo connector as your jdbc integration connector and the output connector as your bfs integration connector:

6. Edit the BFS Tab:

Chose your output folder path that must exist ahead of time. Check the Include Un-Mapped Properties check box. Leave the rest as the default like the above picture.

7. Edit the JDBC Tab:

::: Configuration Some things to note about this configuration:

  1. You should test your query using SQL Developer. This will allow you to get your query correct before testing it in Simflofy
  2. Notice how ABC_PLAN_id is in quotes in the query? That's because in this instance that field won't work unless its in quotes. Both SQL Developer and Simflofy will throw and error.
  3. The ID Field must be unique and is used as the file name. See the image below to see how this shows up in BFS Output
  4. The query should list the fields you want. Select * is not intended to work.
  5. The query cannot end with a ; or it will fail.
  6. Fetch Size can be modified to improve performance

This is what the BFS Output looks like for this query. It returns one row, and the id was the number 1.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<comment>--No Comment---</comment>
<entry key="ABC_PLAN_id">1</entry>
<entry key="folderpath"></entry>
<entry key="PLAN_YEAR_NBR">12.45</entry>
<entry key="type">cm:content</entry>
<entry key="PLAN_YEAR">2004</entry>
<entry key="separator">,</entry>

The above xml is an example of the properties that were output for this job.

You'll notice the fields come over as is with no prefix. PLAN_YEAR won't have a type associated with it. When you see this, you can fix it by modifying your query like the following:

select "ABC_PLAN_id" as "mytype.abc_plan_id", plan_year as "mytype.plan_year", plan_year_nbr as "mytype.plan_year_nbr" from abc_plan

The new query results in a xml file that looks like the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>  
<!DOCTYPE properties SYSTEM "">
<comment>--No Comment---</comment>
<entry key="folderpath"></entry>
<entry key="mytype.plan_year_nbr">12.45</entry>
<entry key="mytype.abc_plan_id">1</entry>
<entry key="type">cm:content</entry>
<entry key="mytype.plan_year">2004</entry>
<entry key="separator">,</entry>

But the file is named:

This is because we changed the ID Field in the query, but not in the ID Field in the form. Now if we update it like the following:

You'll see the file name is back to:

Now that you have this working with BFS you can create your mappings to match what you want in the output system. You can map mytype in this case to the output type you want. You can then map the mytype fields to the fields of the new type.

8. Run the JDBC to BFS Job to finish the integration process

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